
Release according to Article 26 para. 1 German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz)



Noonday Capital Partners, L.L.C., Wilmington, United States of America gave us notice pursuant to Section 21 para 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) that their voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG as at 4 June 2008 fell below the threshold of 3% of the voting rights. The aforementioned person had at that date 332,104 voting rights of the total of 13,000,000 voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technologie AG; this equals a share of 2.555% of all voting rights.


2.513% of the voting rights (326,696 voting rights) are attributed to them pursuant to Sec. 22 para 2 WpHG.



Farallon Capital Offshore Investors II, L.P., George Town, British West Indies gave us notice pursuant to Section 21 Para 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) that their voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG as at 4 June 2008 fell below the threshold of 3% of the voting rights. The aforementioned person held at that date 332,104 voting rights of the total of 13,000,000 voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG; this equals a share of 2.555% of all voting rights.


2.019% of the voting rights (262,418 voting rights) are attributed to them pursuant to Sec. 22 para 2 WpHG.



Tinicum Partners, L.P., Albany, United States of America gave us notice pursuant to Section 21 Para 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) that their voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG as at 13 May 2008 fell below the threshold of 3% of the voting rights. The aforementioned person held at that date 0 voting rights of the total of 13,000,000 voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG; this equals a share of 0% of all voting rights.



Farallon Capital Institutional Partners III, L.P., Wilmington, United States of America gave us notice pursuant to Section 21 Para 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) that their voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG as at 4 June 2008 fell below the threshold of 3% of the voting rights. The aforementioned person held at that date 332,104 voting rights of the total of 13,000,000 voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG; this equals a share of 2.555% of all voting rights.


2.538% of the voting rights (329,957 voting rights) are attributed to them pursuant to Sec. 22 para 2 WpHG.



Farallon Capital Institutional Partners II, L.P., Sacramento, United States of America gave us notice pursuant to Section 21 Para 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) that their voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG as at 4 June 2008 fell below the threshold of 3% of the voting rights. The aforementioned person held at that date 332,104 voting rights of the total of 13,000,000 voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG; this equals a share of 2.555% of all voting rights.


2.526% of the voting rights (328,432 voting rights) are attributed to them pursuant to Sec. 22 para 2 WpHG.



Farallon Capital Institutional Partners, L.P., Sacramento, United States of America gave us notice pursuant to Section 21 Para 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) that their voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG as at 4 June 2008 fell below the threshold of 3% of the voting rights. The aforementioned person held at that date 332,104 voting rights of the total of 13,000,000 voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG; this equals a share of 2.555% of all voting rights.


2.271% of the voting rights (295,199 voting rights) are attributed to them pursuant to Sec. 22 para 2 WpHG.



Farallon Capital Partners, L.P., Sacramento, United States of America gave us notice pursuant to Section 21 Para 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) that their voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG as at 4 June 2008 fell below the threshold of 3% of the voting rights. The aforementioned person held at that date 332,104 voting rights of the total of 13,000,000 voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG; this equals a share of 2.555% of all voting rights.


2.218% of the voting rights (288,332 voting rights) are attributed to them pursuant to Sec. 22 para 2 WpHG.



Noonday Offshore Inc., George Town, British West Indies gave us notice pursuant to Section 21 Para 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) that their voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG as at 4 June 2008 fell below the threshold of 3% of the voting rights. The aforementioned person held at that date 332,104 voting rights of the total of 13,000,000 voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG; this equals a share of 2.555% of all voting rights.


2.364% of the voting rights (307,371 voting rights) are attributed to them pursuant to Sec. 22 para 2 WpHG.



Farallon Capital Offshore Investors, Inc., Tortola, British Virgin Islands gave us notice pursuant to Section 21 Para 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) that their voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG as at 4 June 2008 fell below the threshold of 3% of the voting rights. The aforementioned person held at that date 332,104 voting rights of the total of 13,000,000 voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG; this equals a share of 2.555% of all voting rights.


1.433 % of the voting rights (186,323 voting rights) are attributed to them pursuant to Sec. 22 para 2 WpHG.



The following persons gave us notice pursuant to Section 21 Para 1 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG) that their voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG as at 4 June 2008 fell below the threshold of 3% of the voting rights:


1. Thomas F. Steyer, United States of America;

2. Noonday Capital L.L.C., Wilmington, United States of America;

3. Noonday Asset Management L.P. Wilmington, United States of America;

4. Noonday Asset Management Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore, Singapore;

5. Noonday Global Management, Ltd., George Town, British West Indies;

6. Farallon Capital Management, L.L.C., Wilmington, United States of America;         and

7. Farallon Partners, L.L.C., Wilmington, United States of America (the "Reporting Persons" under (1) to (7)).


On 4 June 2008, the Reporting Persons under (1) to (7) held 332,104 voting rights of the total of 13,000,000 voting rights in ZhongDe Waste Technology AG; this equals a share of 2.555% of all voting rights.


2.555% of these voting rights (332,104 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Person under 1 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 2 WpHG; thereof 1.243% (161,590 voting rights) are also attributed pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 WpHG and 1.312% (170,514 voting rights) also pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 sentence 1 No. 6 WpHG in connection with Sec. 22 para 1 Sentence 2 WpHG.


2.555% of the voting rights (332,104 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Person under 2 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 Sentence 1 No. 6 WpHG in connection with Sec. 22 para 1 Sentence 2 WpHG.


2.555% of the voting rights (332,104 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Person under 3 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 Sentence 1 No. 6 WpHG in connection with Sec. 22 para 1 Sentence 2 WpHG.


2.555% of the voting rights (332,104 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Person under 4 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 Sentence 1 No. 6 WpHG.


2.555% of the voting rights (332,104 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Person under 5 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 Sentence 1 No. 6 WpHG.


1.312% (170,514 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Person under 6 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 Sentence 1 No. 6 WpHG and 1.243% of the voting rights (161,590 voting rights) are attributed pursuant to Sec. 22 para 2 WpHG.


2.555% of the voting rights (332,104 voting rights) are attributed to the Reporting Person under 7 pursuant to Sec. 22 para 2 WpHG and 1.243% of the voting rights (161,590 voting rights) are also attributed pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 Sentence 1 No. 1 WpHG as well as pursuant to Sec. 22 para 1 Sentence 1 No. 6 WpHG.



Hamburg, June 2008


The management board

Investor Relations


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Veränderungen im Aufsichtsrat



Finanzvorstand William Jiuhua Wang scheidet aus



ZhongDe Waste Technology AG: Vorläufiges Neunmonatsergebnis und Anpassung der Prognose für das Gesamtjahr



Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG



Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG



ZhongDe Waste Technology AG: Schwierige Umstände beeinträchtigen Ergebnis 2012



ZhongDe Waste Technology AG: Rücktritt des Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden zum 30. August 2012



Korrektur der Veröffentlichung nach § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG vom 22. März 2012



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Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG



Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG



Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG



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Veröffentlichung einer Ad hoc-Mitteilung nach § 15 WpHG

Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG

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Wechsel im Vorstand bei ZhongDe Waste Technology

Ad hoc Mitteilung gemäß § 15 WpHG vom 23. Januar 2009

Release according to Article 26 para. 1 WpHG [German Securities Trading Act]

Ad hoc Mitteilung gemäß § 15 WpHG vom 29. April 2008

Ad hoc Mitteilung gemäß § 15 WpHG vom 11. März 2008

Release according to Article 26 para. 1 WpHG [German Securities Trading Act]

Release according to Article 26 para. 1 WpHG [German Securities Trading Act] - II

Release according to Article 26 para. 1 WpHG [German Securities Trading Act] - I

Veröffentlichung nach § 26 Abs. 1 Wertpapierhandelsgesetz

Ad hoc Mitteilung gemäß § 15 WpHG vom 5. Juli 2007

Ad hoc Mitteilung gemäß § 15 WpHG vom 28. Juni 2007